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Nitrous Oxide

Dentistry located in North Hollywood, CA

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide services offered in North Hollywood, CA

If you feel anxious while in the dental chair, nitrous oxide can help make your visits at Desert Dental more comfortable. Skilled dental specialists Brian Shahangian, DDS, and Bita Shahangian, DDS, offer nitrous oxide to patients in the North Hollywood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. Call the office to schedule a visit, or try the easy online booking tool. 

Nitrous Oxide Q&A

What is dental anxiety?

Dental anxiety is characterized by experiences of fear or stress when faced with the thought of dental care. Some people with dental anxiety have very specific fears about dental equipment, things being placed within their mouth or certain treatments. For others, dental anxiety presents as a pervasive sense of unease with all aspects of dental care.


Some people experience dental anxiety as a result of a previous negative experience in the dental chair. For others, anxiety stems from cultural messaging that portrays dental care as painful or frightening.


In many cases, there is no clear cause of dental anxiety, yet these fears remain, often for many years. If dental anxiety prevents you from getting the preventive or restorative care you need, Desert Dental offers solutions.

How can nitrous oxide help with dental anxiety?

Nitrous oxide is a colorless, odorless gas that delivers a mild sedative effect when breathed in. It has a long safety track record and has helped thousands of adults and children get the care they need to maintain great dental health.


If you’re nervous about dental treatments, just let your dentist know. It’s easy to incorporate nitrous oxide into your dental visits. You simply place a cannula or mask beneath or over your nose and breathe normally.


Nitrous oxide doesn’t put you to sleep, but you might feel sleepy during your visit. You remain able to respond to questions and instructions from your dentist, but you experience a deep sense of relaxation throughout your treatment. 

How long does it take for the effects of nitrous oxide to wear off?

It doesn’t take long for the effects of nitrous oxide to develop. Shortly after you begin breathing the gas, you begin to feel more relaxed. Some people experience sensations of tingling or heaviness in their arms and legs. 


One of the best things about nitrous oxide is how quickly the effects wear off. As soon as your dentist removes your cannula or mask, you begin to feel normal. You can even drive yourself home after nitrous oxide, which isn’t an option when taking oral sedation. 


If you have additional questions or concerns about nitrous oxide or dental anxiety, simply call the office or use the online tool to schedule a visit. Everyone on the team understands that dental anxiety is a challenge that some patients face. At Desert Dental, you’re always treated with care and compassion.